Energy Awareness

What It Is
Energy awareness is being attuned to the subtle energies within and around you. It's about recognizing that everything, including your body, thoughts, and emotions, has an energetic component.
It's like tuning into a radio frequency where you are learning to perceive the subtle signals your body and the world around you are constantly sending.
This awareness can manifest in different ways. You might notice physical sensations like tingling, warmth, or coolness; emotional shifts; or even intuitive hunches.
When You're Energy-Aware You
​Sense shifts in your physical, mental, or emotional state.
Identify energy blocks or areas where you're feeling drained.
Cultivate practices to recharge and restore your energy.
Better understand your interactions with others and your environment.
It’s like learning to “listen” to the language of your energy so you can respond in a way that supports your health, harmony, and personal growth.

Vital Life Force
One's vital life force is the foundational energy that sustains and animates all aspects of our being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It is the essence of vitality and well-being, flowing through us and connecting us to the world around us.
In many traditions, this life force is referred to as prana (Yoga), chi or qi (Traditional Chinese Medicine), or ki (Japanese practices).
Source of Energy:
Your vital life force is the root source of all energy in your body and mind. It drives your ability to think, feel, act, and heal, influencing your overall health and presence. The air you breathe and food you eat nurtures this energy.
Energy Flow:
This life force moves through energy pathways called nadis or meridians and energy centers (chakras). When it flows freely, you feel balanced and vibrant. Blockages can lead to fatigue, stress, or illness.
Energy Awareness:
Tuning into your vital life force helps you become more energy-aware. You can sense when your energy feels strong or depleted and take steps to restore balance through practices like meditation, breathwork, yoga, or mindfulness.
Relationship to Others:
In relationships, your vital life force affects how you connect with others. When your energy is balanced, you're more present, compassionate, and receptive, fostering healthier and more harmonious interactions.
In essence, your vital life force is the core of your energy system, and nurturing it is key to living with vitality, balance, and connection.
Is Your Energy Flowing or Blocked?
Blocked energy occurs when the natural flow of your vital life force is disrupted or stagnated. This can happen due to emotional stress, physical tension, unresolved trauma, negative thought patterns, or environmental factors. When energy gets blocked, it affects your overall well-being, creating imbalances in your body, mind, and emotions. Here are some signs of blocked energy:
A sense of disconnection from yourself or others.
Feeling out of sync with your environment or drained by certain situations.
Experiencing difficulty accessing intuition or inner clarity.
Physical Signs:
Chronic pain or tension, often in areas like the neck, shoulders, or back.
Digestive issues or frequent illnesses, signaling a weakened immune system.
Fatigue or a persistent feeling of heaviness in the body.
Emotional Signs:
Mood swings, irritability, or feelings of being "stuck" emotionally.
A sense of overwhelm, anxiety, or difficulty processing emotions.
Lack of motivation or disconnection from joy and creativity.
Mental Signs:
Difficulty focusing or feeling mentally "foggy."
Repetitive negative thoughts or limiting beliefs.
Feeling indecisive or paralyzed when making choices.​

How to Address Blocked Energy
Physical Practices: Yoga, stretching, and movement can release tension and promote energy flow.
Breathwork: Conscious breathing practices like pranayama help clear energetic pathways.
Mindfulness: Meditation or journaling can uncover and release emotional or mental blocks.
Healing Modalities: Seeing a M.D. also techniques like Reiki, acupuncture, or energy healing can help restore balance.
Bringing your attention to blocked energy is the first step to creating a sense of flow, vitality, and alignment in your life.​​
Healing Elements Energy Practices
​​Discover Metergy
The Yoga of Energy & Meditation
Metergy© is a transformative practice that unites meditation and energy, rooted in ancient Eastern Yogic philosophy. Unlike Western approaches to yoga, Metergy emphasizes the original teachings of yoga as a path to union, focusing on energy (prana), meditation, and intuitive wisdom.
You will learn to connect with your body’s natural energy and sensations, using them as a guide to reach deeper states of relaxation and awareness. ​
Or register for individual courses.
Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy is a holistic approach to healing that recognizes the interconnectedness of the physical body, mind, and subtle energy system. It goes beyond traditional asana (postures) to address imbalances in the flow of prana within the body.
Some techniques that may be used:
Meditation and mindfulness: These practices cultivate awareness of the present moment, allowing individuals to become more attuned to their energetic state and identify areas of blockage or stagnation.
Pranayama (breathwork): Conscious breathing techniques are used to regulate the flow of prana, calm the nervous system, and enhance energy levels. Different breathing patterns can have specific effects on the energy body, such as cooling, heating, or grounding.
Energy visualizations and mudras (hand gestures): These tools can be used to direct and focus energy flow within the body.
Asana (postures) adapted for energy flow: Specific poses can be used to open energy channels (nadis), stimulate or calm specific energy centers (chakras), and promote overall energy balance. Modifications are often made to ensure accessibility and support individual needs.
Each session is personalized to your unique needs!

The Healing Elements
Tools and techniques to help you integrate the body mind, emotions and spirit.
Free Your Breath
Release body, mind, and emotional tension by breaking free from negative breathing patterns.​​​
Energy Awareness
Discover a deeper sense of peace & clarity by exploring your energy through Meditation & Yoga.​
Triple A's
Our transformative technique to release and integrate conflicting thoughts, emotions, and physical pain.​​
Yoga Therapy
A holistic adaptation of yoga to address individual needs, making it suitable for those seeking support with physical limitations, emotional challenges, or specific health concerns.
Explore how ancient Eastern medicine can enhance your holistic well-being.​​
Meditation cultivates inner peace and enhances well-being by focusing attention rather than trying to stop thinking.