Awaken to Lasting Positive Changes in Your Life

From Inspiration to Frustration
Have you noticed that when a new year arrives, there is a burst of energy to eat healthier, exercise more, engage in more conscious activities, be kinder, arrange your home... You get the picture.
That energy of change feels so strong at the time, and you are so ready for it. But then, too quickly, your “normal” life returns, and you get sucked into the same habits and routines.
You know the cycle and the feeling it happens every year. Yet at the end of the old year and beginning of the new year you are so sure this year will be different.
Well, it can be!
Let’s explore how.
Breaking the Cycle: The Power of Momentum
The key to lasting change is momentum. You need a stronger pull towards these healthy changes than the tug of old habits.
The mind is a fascinating thing. It seems to take us in a direction we love at one moment and then take us on a journey through an overgrown, rough forest of aggravating thoughts the next.
One moment, we are ready to commit to a year of health and balance, and the next, we are drawn back into those old, comfortable habits that run our daily lives.
It's time to make a permanent change!
You need to have more momentum in the direction of the changes you want to make than in the direction of your old habitual way of being in the world. It is hard to turn a wheel that has gained momentum in the opposite direction.
At the beginning of a new year, there is a global collective force encouraging positive change. It is called strength in numbers; the more people going in one direction, the easier it is to follow.
The hard part is maintaining that momentum once all that new year energy diminishes. This is when your readiness for change reveals itself.
Feeling Ready?
I find that when I or my clients are attempting to make a change, there first needs to be a readiness. Change starts with a deep, internal feeling of "I am ready." This internal alignment fuels the energy for the desired change and sustains it over time.
When you feel "I am ready!" the energy to move forward in the direction you want will arise, allowing you to take the first step. Then, it is a matter of cultivating that energy in your daily life through a permanent shift in your thoughts and behavior.
The first step of “I am ready” is integral to the process and cannot be forced. Your thoughts will align with a felt sense in your body, which promotes readiness for the changes you want.
Sometimes, there is a thought, “I am ready,” but not a physical alignment with that readiness, so there is not enough momentum for the change. This can cause mental and emotional strain. The solution is to find a support system to help you make the journey.
The Power of Support: Find Your Flock
Just like migrating birds, we need a support system. Friends, family, or mentors can help us stay on track when the journey gets tough.
If you find your flock when life is flowing easily, you will already have the support you need when your path becomes difficult.
Remember, migrating birds work collectively in a V pattern in order to conserve energy so they can make the long journey together.
One bird takes the lead, and the others fan out behind it. They take turns breaking the wind resistance by leading the flock when they are strong. When they need renewal and support, they conserve energy by following behind.
Shine Your Light: The Unique You
Once you find your rhythm, you are ready to give to the world.
I believe that every human’s purpose is to spread the light of love through all their interactions and daily activities in the unique way that only they can.
When you feel good, you do this naturally!
When you feel balanced, healthy, and whole, you automatically and effortlessly share the fragrance of your light and love with the world, whether it is as a parent, teacher, co-worker, social worker, neighbor, friend, or family member.
Lasting Change Grows From Within You
Discover what makes you unique, and the changes you seek will sprout and unfold with ease.
When you recognize having support during the process would be helpful, I am here to help with my in-person and mentored online programs and services. They are designed to help you make the connection between your thoughts and your body so you have the felt sense of “I am ready!” and then the momentum to stay the course.
In Loving Service,
Heather Indu Arena
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Words for the Soul
Words of inspiration and contemplation to help you feel alive and fulfilled physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Be inspired, and your soul will sing joyfully!
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