Go and Have Some Blueberries! The Hustle Myth: Why "Doing Less" Can Lead to More Success
Do you want to hear one of the most valuable pieces of wisdom I can offer you? It starts with a story from ten minutes ago.
(Click the picture to listen to the original from 6/22 instead of reading.)
I was brooding at my desk trying to figure out what the next step in my day should be. It’s not that I didn’t have a lot of things on my to-do list. It was more so a matter of priority.
As I sat here dwelling, I could feel the internal pressure gauge rising, yet I was so in the mental hamster wheel that I kept going, trying to figure out what was next, yet getting nowhere! Perhaps you can relate?...
Then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, the thought appeared, “Go and have some blueberries!” That may sound strange, but I realized at that moment that I needed to step away because I was stuck in a free-fall loop of mental disorganization and dissonance.
So, I went and had some blueberries, and then the idea of writing to you about it became my clear next step.
The Power of the Pause: Unlocking a Free Flow of Inspiration
Have you noticed that when you are relaxed and open, you can accomplish more in a lighthearted way five times faster than when you are overwhelmed, rushed, stressed, or simply trying to get it done?
It’s astonishing how pausing and embracing a moment of stillness can unlock a surge of productivity. Our culture glorifies constant activity and equates self-worth with unending accomplishment, but true efficiency and creativity thrive in a state of ease. When we allow ourselves to breathe, relax, and simply be present, we tap into a natural flow that allows life to feel effortless.
I can’t tell you how many times I have been at a job, feeling like the “to-do” list would never end and I would never catch up. But when I took a break to simply be present, perhaps breathing, moving, practicing meditation, or all three, I would then get everything done and then some before I knew it.
You have to step outside the stuck mental energy to free it!
From Doing to Being: Dispelling the Hustle Myth
In Western culture, we are bombarded with messages that keep us on the hamster wheel—you gotta hustle, you gotta achieve, you gotta DO MORE! I’m sure you have seen the ads. It feels like the only way to feel worthy is by doing, and more doing, all the time. For family, community, work, you name it.
You know these feelings, right? When you are trying to get it done, there is effort, and once you do get it done, you must move onto the next thing—exhausting!
When you come from a space of being at ease and relaxed, it doesn't feel like doing; it feels like being. There’s a felt sense of a natural and creative flow to your activities that brings with it the same sense of accomplishment and integrity but without the rise in blood pressure.
This is so much healthier for you!
You don’t need to get your exercise from a raised pulse due to a constant “doing” attitude. You can get it from going to the gym, taking a power walk, or dancing. Doing less and being open to inspiration at the moment gives you an opportunity to succeed more.
In fact, you will get more done and feel better when you come from a place of peace and calm instead of an “I must accomplish more to feel good” attitude.
Next time you’re feeling stuck, remember that sometimes the best way to move forward is to pause, take a deep breath, indulge in an enjoyable activity, and let your mind reset.
By doing so, you’ll find yourself tackling your life with newfound energy and effectiveness.
So, go ahead, have some blueberries, and let your day unfold with joyful flow.
In Loving Service,
Heather Indu Arena
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Words for the Soul
Words of inspiration and contemplation to help you feel alive and fulfilled physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Be inspired, and your soul will sing joyfully!
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#BeInspired #WordsForTheSoul #DoLess #Relaxation #StressManagement #Mindfullness #Breathe #TimeManagement #FlowState
As always a wonderful handful of inspiring words, dear One Indu, like fresh and healthy blueberries 😊. Yes, from doing the work to Stilness, Here and Now, from which ‘place’ the work is Being Done. Stilness in action. 🤍💜