Listen to Your Heart!
Updated: Jan 26, 2024
When you truly connect to your heart you can experience a felt sense of joy and beauty that is inexpressible in words.
We spend so much time listening to the voice in our head that we often miss the felt sense of the heart, reminding us to pause and be filled by the moment, allowing us to feel fulfilled instead of resistant.
When you let your heart take the lead in life, your thoughts automatically become more in alignment with the love and compassion of your heart.
You see, love is your natural state!
It is present and accessible right now, although I understand it may not appear that way.
Often, love seems to be hidden by heavy and sometimes dark thoughts and beliefs.
For example, I was sitting at my desk the other day working on a project and all of a sudden I realized how tired I felt. Because of that tired heaviness, I wasn't really accomplishing much, although I was certainly keeping myself busy!
My mind kept telling me, "Stay with it, figure it out, stay focused. You have to be doing something in order to be productive and worthy."
Yet, I wasn't able to focus. Therefore, I certainly was not able to be productive, and underneath that, I was experiencing the shame of unworthiness.
You see the heart speaks to you through feelings. Not just emotions, but also the sensations in your body. Emotions are thoughts we can feel.
When you allow yourself to feel your emotions and not just think about them, you clear away for a harmonious dance between mind and heart!
Once I recognized that feeling/sensation of tiredness and heaviness, like a subtle whole-body contraction, I knew something was off and that I needed a reset!
So, I pulled up my Embracing the Light of Your Heart Meditation, which you can click on at the bottom of this post, and gave the next five minutes to reconnect with my heart energy.
This reset took me out of my head, which was trying to “fix” my perceived problems, and landed me right in the comforting arms of my heart where the solution to all perceived problems rests.
After only five minutes, I felt better!
I felt more connected and had a new approach to the rest of my day. That approach was to let my heart lead the way.
Oftentimes, we get confused by what it means to let your heart lead the way. We think it means one thing when really it has nothing to do with thinking! It is all about feeling.
Feeling something within you, really, all around you, that is telling you without words that you are safe, you are valuable, you are loved!
That message is being broadcast to you right now. And that feeling of safety, fulfillment, and love is available to you right now. I mean how could it not be if a simple five-minute meditation can reveal its soft and loving whisper?
The trick is you have to connect with your heart on a regular basis, so feeling that connection actually becomes more normal than listening to the playback of repetitive shifting mental thoughts.
Thoughts repeat themselves, then change and conflict with other thoughts.
The heart is consistent. Its purpose is to give and receive love unconditionally.
When you let the unconditional love from your heart lead the way, then thoughts do not interfere with the heart and instead support its wisdom. You are then free to make clear decisions not based on past habits.
That's it, it's that easy!
Yet I realize from my own experience that gaining the momentum to consistently engage in activities that help reinforce that shift in how you interact in the world can sometimes feel difficult.
That's why I'm here writing you every week: to support your momentum in a direction that leads you to harmony instead of hardship. It is also why I offer online programs, consultations, and mentoring that immerse you in your heart to help you make that shift.
Check out my Embracing the Light of Your Heart Meditation below and make it a daily practice to connect with your heart!
In Loving Services,
Heather Indu Arena
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